Hello you. Thank you for being here.

I decided to create a Substack newsletter because I wanted to connect with folks who were interested in learning more about my unconventional life and how I make it make sense for me.

Most people who find me online are interested in my adult content which is more than fine. I’m proud of much of what I’ve created and shared over the years and I’m grateful to support myself by doing this work. However, I know there are those of you who appreciate more than the imagery I create and have found value in my words, in my story. This newsletter is for you.

What I write about

I use this platform to write about most everything that is important to me. I share in ways that feel holistic and authentic beyond the prurient and promotional.

Yes, I cover my experiences and opinions on sexuality and sex work, but I also explore personal growth, sobriety, simple living, mental health, physical wellness, Core Desired Feelings, and relationships with lovers, friends and family.

Why subscribe?

Subscribe to get full access to my newsletter and all archived posts, as well as audio posts.

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When you subscribe you won’t have to worry about missing anything. Every new edition of the newsletter goes directly to your inbox.

To find out more about the company that provides the tech for this newsletter, visit Substack.com.

Subscribe to Seska: Intimate Insights

A 360° "look" at my unconventional life as a GenXer, adult content creator and performer, and personal growth enthusiast.


I'm a content creator, performer, and educator. My work focuses on the intimate— inside and out.